Friday, June 6, 2014


To my dear readers,


I apologize for my lengthy absence, though I take comfort in knowing you all just went about your lives as usual.

Since we last spoke, we had our Girls Leading Our World camp. GLOW brought together nearly 80 girls from across Swaziland, as well as about 20 Swazi counselors and a group of Peace Corps volunteers. The girls learned about sexual and reproductive health issues, and they talked about relationships and other topics related to adolescence and womanhood. They also learned how to apply for university and how to interview for a job.

And, of course, they played games. We had an art day and a service day. During the service day, they played team-building games and had races with condom water balloons. Photos of all are below.

My counterpart/friend joined me, and we brought three girls from our community. Camp ran from April 28 to May 3. At the beginning the girls were shy, avoiding looking at me or speaking to me directly. By the end, we were hugging and high-fiving. On the last day at breakfast, they had prepared a tiny statement thanking me for allowing them to come.

As part of the camp, the girls had to apply. They were required to get a recommendation letter as well as parental/guardian permission, and each had to write an essay and undergo an interview. I know those skills will serve them well as they apply to university and for scholarships.

When I left camp, I was on a huge high. I watched my friend teach an abstinence session that she and another counselor prepared on the fly. I watched quiet girls come out of their shells, and we all watched as a shy girl with a disability stood up in front of everyone and sang solo at the talent show. It made our tiny little hearts vibrate.

On the whole, it was probably the most worthwhile activity I've participated in during my service. Since my service ends in a couple of months, I doubt it'll be outdone.

If you contributed to GLOW, thank you! And if you contributed to me by being supportive, thank you!


  1. thanks for sharing more about the camp! Will other volunteers keep it going next year after you're gone? I forget what you've said about the camp's past or if it is new.

    1. Hey! Thanks for asking! This is the camp's third year. Other volunteers and Swazi counselors will keep it going next year. We're eventually hoping to turn it over to the Swazi women altogether (perhaps with some funding help).
