Sanibonani from Arusha, Tanzania!
Our internet access on this bus tour hasn't been good enough to really commit to blog posting. (I say this knowing that one of our fellow travelers has blogged consistently, even posting photos. Perhaps it's more about us than the internet connection.) But I've been taking good notes, so eventually you'll have more information.
We started at Victoria Falls, which was stunning, and traveled through Zambia. It was interesting to see the differences among the countries we visited. Lake Malawi was absolutely gorgeous, and the Great Rift Valley is unparalleled.
Tanzania has been fascinating. The Serengeti was great at times — we saw 45 lions, including about a dozen cubs — and not so great at other times. We've camped almost every night, which has presented challenges of its own.
Overall, I'm very glad to have done this trip. The whole bus tour part is interesting and merits more discussion later. But we're alive, well and headed for Kilimanjaro!
Salani kahle!