The preschool I work with held its graduation yesterday (that's right: yesterday. CURRENT INFORMATION!). Preschool graduations are a big ol' affair here. The two I attended last year went on for five or six hours. I was worried that mine would be no different. Have you ever sat through five hours of a preschool graduation in a language you don't speak? It can be a bit exhausting. They typically include lots of dancing, speeches and costume changes. Last year, one of the preschools hosted a motivational speaker from Kenya. KENYA.
As luck would have it, my preschool is awesome. Our graduation started only an hour late -- which is pretty impressive for the way things can roll here -- and was finished in a tight two-and-a-half. I shot a few photos with my phone. The girls and boys both did traditional dances. The iPhone shutter speed isn't quite good enough to get the high kicks. But here you are. AND I took a photo of the food because it was delicious and I never post food photos. I was a VIP (and spoke briefly, and handed out diplomas), which meant I got a piece of fried chicken! It was very exciting.
So now the kiddos have graduated, and they'll be off to primary school next year. Milestones, y'all.